Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Importance of Avatars

The role of avatars has a far greater impact and use then to just look cool; they allow their creators the chance to be anyone or anything they set their mind to. Not only that, but avatars also allow people to be judged based off their personality and merit alone. Currently, avatars are mostly used in online gaming websites. Millions of people log on and become someone or something completely different and live their virtual life. Some become mythical creatures and fight monsters in battles and wars while others simply become a different looking person or even switch genders and just live out a separate life in a virtual world. Although most of this seems quite amazing, many people have become addicted to being able to just completely switching lives by logging into an account. They spend more time in their virtual worlds than they do in the real world and I believe that is unhealthy. Another negative of having this power to become anyone or anything you want is that the people that spend most of their lives in the virtual world develop self-esteem issues. They spend much of their time usually as someone they wish they could be and because it is artificially created, they avatar is usually close to perfect; especially since the creator customizes them to what they believe is perfect. I’m not saying that everyone who plays online games is a basement nerd that doesn’t leave their mother’s basement, I’m just saying that this “hobby” can take over a person’s life just as much as a drug can and it is clearly unhealthy.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Social Media Addiction

I myself am and addicted user. It consumes hours of my life without my will. I've have not been able to function without out it since my freshman. I cannot ever go more than a couple days without it. I am 100% addicted to Facebook. Whether I am looking at new photos, or checking out the link or video that my friend posted on my wall, or even if it's to check if the cute girl in my math class is single yet, Facebook has become part of my life. Unlike many others, I do not believe there is anything wrong with enjoying the perks of Facebook. I believe that it’s everyone’s personal CNN news center, except instead of learning about what’s going on in the world, you’re learning about everything that’s going on with your friend’s world. Many people use it to stalk friends of friends and a lot of creepy guys go on to stalk photos of girls from a Saturday night party. However, just like the article mentioned, Facebook is also used by employers, internships, and schools to see the person you really are when you let your hair down. Either way, Facebook is not a problem, it’s a simple tool that can be used in many different ways.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ad Assignment

The paper assigned isn't bad. I usually see an advertisement every day so after being taught how to analyze it and see how many different types of ads there are, I see ads differently and can see through their smoke and mirrors.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Realistic Photograpy

Although Mike Brodie’s (better known as the “Polaroid Kidd) pictures are usually posed, they are never manufactured or set up to display something that doesn’t represent reality. Brodie left his home when he was 18 and he chose to “jump rails” which many would never consider. Brodie travels around the country photographing what he likes to call "travel culture", which includes: “train-hoppers, vagabonds, squatters and hobos”. The “Polaroid Kidd” got his name because he simply uses a Polaroid to capture all his memories, encounters, and experiences. Most modern day photographers use expensive cameras, photo techniques, or Photoshop to manufacture the “perfect picture”. Personally, I like Mike Brodie’s style and photographs because they’re natural. Simply by not altering the picture, I know that there’s more truth to the image than what has unfortunately become the norm for other photographers. Not only is Brodie’s style unique, but his photographs are of his specific lifestyle living with other members that are a part of his “travel culture”. Brodie has already gained much attention and hopefully other photographers will adopt his geniality.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Photos Purpose

Ansel Adams once said "you don't take a photograph, you make it". This photo was taken during the Vancouver riots that occurred this past summer. The photograph is called the "The Riot Kiss" simply because in the picture, amid the riot that is surrounding them, it seems that a couple is passionately kissing in the middle of the street. This picture got huge international media attention because it was so inspiring. After the picture had circulated the media and the riots were over, people were curious to know who the couple was exactly. After much investigation, the media found the couple and interviewed them. It turns out that “the couple” wasn’t a couple after all. The woman was hurt and the man in the photograph was simply assisting her and making sure that she was safe. Another photograph of “the couple” taken seconds after the first one was later revealed but this time from an aerial view.    

These series of photos prove what Ansel Adams said is true. The situation of the man in the photo being a Good Samaritan was there; however, the photographer took a good photo and manipulated the shot to make it a great photo. In doing so, the audience who looked at the photo lost part of the truth in the process. Photos can be powerful, and it’s up to the photographer to handle that responsibility.