Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Importance of Avatars

The role of avatars has a far greater impact and use then to just look cool; they allow their creators the chance to be anyone or anything they set their mind to. Not only that, but avatars also allow people to be judged based off their personality and merit alone. Currently, avatars are mostly used in online gaming websites. Millions of people log on and become someone or something completely different and live their virtual life. Some become mythical creatures and fight monsters in battles and wars while others simply become a different looking person or even switch genders and just live out a separate life in a virtual world. Although most of this seems quite amazing, many people have become addicted to being able to just completely switching lives by logging into an account. They spend more time in their virtual worlds than they do in the real world and I believe that is unhealthy. Another negative of having this power to become anyone or anything you want is that the people that spend most of their lives in the virtual world develop self-esteem issues. They spend much of their time usually as someone they wish they could be and because it is artificially created, they avatar is usually close to perfect; especially since the creator customizes them to what they believe is perfect. I’m not saying that everyone who plays online games is a basement nerd that doesn’t leave their mother’s basement, I’m just saying that this “hobby” can take over a person’s life just as much as a drug can and it is clearly unhealthy.

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